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NGC 1530 spiral galaxy in Camelopardalis

author: A.Block/MLSC/Univ.of Az/Novapix

reference: a-gax15-30001

Spiral galaxy NGC 3810 in Leo

author: Nasa/ESA/Novapix

reference: a-gax38-10001

Paranal Observatory, Chile 08/2007

author: S.Guisard/Novapix

reference: o-vlt01-00103

Planetary Nebula NGC 6543 in Draco

author: Jim Misti/Novapix

reference: a-nep65-43004

2020-09-03 Comet Neowise - The Great Comet of 2020
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Mondolithic Studios
Here is a selection of artworks made by Kenn Brown and Chris Wren of Mondolithic Studios. To see all Mondolithic Studios illustrations, write mondolithic studios in search by author or click here.