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La Palma observatory

author: Serge Brunier/Novapix

reference: o-lpa01-00007

Comet McNaught (C/2006 P1) 02/2007

author: A.Fujii/David Malin Images/Novapix

reference: a-com21-01180

Cejar Lagoon - Chile

author: Alex Tudorica/Novapix

reference: t-sachi-92203

The Ariane V rocket - Illustration

author: ESA/D.Ducros/Novapix

reference: e-leu12-99104

2020-09-03 Comet Neowise - The Great Comet of 2020
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Meteors, Asteroids

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Wally Pacholka
A short selection to show Wally Pacholka's work. To see all Wally Pacholka's images write pacholka in search by author box or click here.