Constellation of Carina and southern constellations
author: A.Fujii/David Malin Images/Novapix
reference: a-cst13-00002
Image Size 300 DPI: 51 * 40 cm
This part of the sky is best seen in the early evening between April and June. Carina the Keel, is a remnant of Argo Navis, a giant mythical sailing vessel afloat on the southern Milky Way, described elsewhere. The constellation is a delight for southern hemisphere observers, with many star clusters and nebulae visible in binoculars or modest telescopes. Some of these are quite spectacular in a large telescope. The second brightest star in the sky, Canopus (a Car) is here as is Eta Carinae, one of the most massive and unstable stars in the Galaxy. Eta is hidden in the most conspicuous nebula in Carina, NGC 3372, the Great Carina nebula. This photograph also shows the location of the south celestial pole and the Large Magellanic Cloud as well as several complete or almost complete constellations, including Apus, Chameleon, Crux, Dorado, Mensa, Musca, Octans, Pictor and Volans.