Mars: Chaotic terrain between Kasei Valles and Sacra Fossae
author: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin-G. Neukum/Novapix
reference: a-mar09-00151
Image Size 300 DPI: 50 * 26 cm
Mars Express flew over the boundary between Kasei Valles and Sacra Fossae and imaged the region, acquiring spectacular views of the chaotic terrain in the area. The images are centred at 12°N / 285°E and have a ground resolution of about 21 m/pixel. They cover 225 x 95 km or 21.375 sq km, an area roughly half the size of the Netherlands.
The image shows an old 35 km-diameter impact crater in the north. The crater’s southwestern rim is eroded strongly, mostly by flowing water. The source of the water was located in Echus Chasma, which lies about 850 km to the southwest.