Nébulas IC 1805 and IC 1848 in Cassiopeia
author: J.Lodriguss/Novapix
reference: a-nec18-05001
Image Size 300 DPI: 24 * 16 cm
IC 1805, IC 1848, The Double Nebula LBN 667 is the large area of red emission nebulosity on the left side of the image. Open clusters CR 34 and IC 1848 are embedded in the nebula. IC 1805 is the large area of nebulosity on the right side of the image. NGC 896, a bright knot of nebulosity, is at the upper right of the photo. IC 1805 looks vaguely like a heart if you rotate your head 90 degrees counterclockwise and use your imagination when you look at the photo. The loose open cluster Mel 15 lies at the center of IC 1805, and open cluster NGC 1027 is to the left.