Globular cluster Hodge 11
author: Anglo-Australian Observatory/David Malin Images/Novapix
reference: a-agb98-00100
Image Size 300 DPI: 40 * 51 cm
This compact group of stars is one of an extensive system of globular clusters which is associated with the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) at a distance of about 160 000 light years from the Sun. It is remarkable for at least two reasons. It contains many blue stars, clearly seen in the colour photograph, and it is the only one of the numerous globular clusters in the LMC not to contain RR Lyrae variable stars which are useful distance indicators. Unlike some of the globular clusters in the LMC, its stars are remarkably deficient in the heavy elements that indicate many generations of star formation. Despite its blue colours, which suggest otherwise, Hodge 11 is therefore extremely ancient, probably as old as the LMC itself.