Nebula NGC 1788 in Orion
author: R.Jay GaBany/Novapix
reference: a-neb17-88001
Image Size 300 DPI: 19 * 31 cm
This picture depicts a place that is 1,500 lights years from Earth in the direction of the constellation called Orion. It features a nearby star factory called the Foxface Nebula- also known as NGC 1788. The elongated, darker cloud that hangs in front of the larger, brighter nebula (the fox's snout) is an active star forming region. Waves of new star energy, pouring out from within the dark globule, are significantly disturbing the surrounding area. The blue, teal and yellow hues are from light reflecting off dust that engulfs this area. The brighter red material, that loops and curls, represents hydrogen gas that has been excited to glow by the energy released from newly formed stars.