The Rosette nebula in Monoceros
author: R.Gendler/Novapix
reference: a-neb22-37001
Image Size 300 DPI: 20 * 14 cm
The Rosetta Nebula is a vast cloud of dust and gas, extending over an area of more than 1 degree across, or about 5 times the area covered by the full moon. Its parts have been assigned different NGC numbers: 2237, 2238, 2239, and 2246. Within the nebula, open star cluster NGC 2244 is situated, consisted of the young stars which recently formed from the nebula's material, and the brightest of which make the nebula shine by exciting its atoms to emit radiation. This composite mosaic ( Hybrid Image) was assembled from multiple frames taken at different focal lengths with different instruments. The image data included approximately 9 hours of hydrogen alpha filtered data and was acquired using an AP155 (F7), FSQ 106 (F5), STL11000. The composite was assembled using Adobe Photoshop 6.0