The Trapezium region in M42
author: J.E. Ovaldsen/R.Gendler /Novapix
reference: a-neb19-76104
Image Size 300 DPI: 17 * 17 cm
The central 'star' of the three groups forming the asterism of Orion's sword is in reality a nebula, and is clearly nebulous to the unaided eye. At the heart of the most luminous nebulosity shimmer a handful of stars known as the Trapezium cluster, visible in binoculars. These are the brightest members of a substantial cluster of stars , most of which are still hidden in the dusty recesses of the Orion nebula against which they are seen. The stars of the Trapezium provide much of the energy which makes the brilliant Orion Nebula visible and are at a distance of about 1500 light years. This image was made at the danish 1.5 meter telescope in La Silla, Chile.