Photo Agency - Astronomy - Space - Nature

> Venus from ground level - Artist view

Venus from ground level - Artist view

author: Walter B. Myers/Novapix

reference: a-ven99-10004

Image Size 300 DPI: 33 * 25 cm

A visit to Venus' surface would reveal a wasteland of vast proportions. While Venus is nearly as large as the Earth, it has over three times the land mass (most of the Earth's surface is under water). The conditions are so dry and hostile to life as we know it the surface of Venus is likely as sterile as an autoclave. Venus' surface is actually hotter than Mercury's, despite being nearly twice as far from the Sun. It is so hot that the stony venusian ground itself may be slightly plastic and emit a red glow at night. The closest the Earth comes to matching this combination of extreme pressure and temperature is in the realm of deep undersea volcanic vents.

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