The Pleiades star cluster
auteur: D.De Martin/Novapix
référence: a-aou90-00009
Image Size 300 DPI: 86 * 82 cm
The north is at top. The Pleiades star cluster, also known as the Seven Sisters and Messier 45, is one of the brightest and famous star clusters visible in the northern hemisphere. It consists of about 500 bright, hot, young stars that were all born at the same time between 75 and 150 million years ago within a large cloud of dust and gas. The cluster contains many stars, of which only a handful are commonly visible to the naked eye. The blue haze that accompanies them is due to very fine dust which still remains and preferentially reflects the blue light from the stars. This star cluster lie some 440 light years away from the Earth, in the constellation of Taurus. This image is based on data acquired by the Oschin Telescope at the Mount Palomar Observatory