A star field with HD 189733 and Dumbell nebula
auteur: Nasa/ESA/DSS2/D.De Martin/Novapix
référence: a-nep68-53019
Image Size 300 DPI: 28 * 19 cm
A star field image showing the star HD 189733 (centre) with Dumbell nebula. Orbiting close to its parent star, is an extrasolar planet, HD 189733b, a ‘hot-Jupiter' type of gas giant slightly larger than Jupiter. The observations provide clear evidence of the presence of hazes in its atmosphere. To the right of the star is the notable planetary nebula Messier 27. The Dumbbell Nebula (M27, NGC6853), is a planetary nebula located about 1400 light years from the earth in the constellation of Vulpecula. The nebula was formed when an evolved, red giant star ejected its outer envelope near the end of its lifetime.