Total Solar Eclipse 01/08/2008
auteur: M.Druckmüller/P.Aniol/ J.Sladecek/Novapix
référence: a-sol10-02411
Image Size 300 DPI: 18 * 12 cm
Data from two different cameras were used for this image creation. The open cluster M 44 Praesepae (NGC 2632) dominates the star field. The bright object in the left part of the image is Mercury. The solar corona is traceable up to the distance of 20 solar radii. The position of the Moon represents the situation 62 seconds after the second contact (18:04:37 mongolia local time). Display of the solar corona, lunar surface and stars in the resulting image are highly beyond the ability of human vision during the eclipse. Total Solar Eclipse of 01/08/2008, Mongolia.